¡Increíble! Perra aprende a comunicarse a través de botones
¡Increíble! Perra aprende a comunicarse a través de botones. Foto: Instagram
¡Increíble! Perra aprende a comunicarse a través de botones
¡Increíble! Perra aprende a comunicarse a través de botones. Foto: Instagram

Todos sabemos que el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre y que es un animal que goza de gran inteligencia, pero ésta sin duda te sorprenderá.

Se trata de Stella, una perra de año y medio que aprendió a comunicarse a través de botones.

Y es que su dueña, Christina Hunger, una patóloga del habla, diseño un tablero con más de 29 palabras para enseñarle a comunicarse con tan solo oprimir un botón desde que tenía 2 meses.

Aunque comenzó con pequeñas palabras como “afuera”, ahora ya sabe construir pequeñas frases como “ven afuera”, “afuera pelota” si es que quiere salir a jugar.

A través de su cuenta de Instagram, Christina muestra a 39 mil personas la inteligencia de su pequeña mascota.

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Hello there everyone!! 🤗 Welcome to the Hunger for Words community! I’m THRILLED you’re here! I feel completely honored by this outpouring of enthusiasm and inspiration ✨✨ Here is a fun Stella series to kick off this new chapter! • Jake and I were discussing taking Stella to Petco. She was certainly listening…! • Video 1: Stella said “Goodbye outside.” This is the third time in the past few weeks that Stella has combined “good” and “bye” to say “Goodbye” instead of just “bye”! • Video 2: Jake said he wanted to hang our spice racks first, started the project, and Stella told him, “Later Jake” 😂😂 (Translation: Do that later, I want to go!) • Video 3: Stella came full circle with her message and told us she was REALLY ready to leave by saying, “Bye bye bye good bye!” (Looks like we have ourselves a little @nsync fan 😜) • I hope you all have a great day!

Una publicación compartida por Christina Hunger, MA, CCC-SLP (@hunger4words) el

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I AM MIND BLOWN 🤯 Last night after coming inside, Stella said “Come eat come play.” I was pretty sure she meant that she wanted to eat dinner then play, but I asked, “Do you want to eat or play?” to clarify. • Stella licked her lips, paused, and responded, “Want come eat.” After Stella ate, she immediately dove at her toy and started playing. • AHHH! This is amazing for so many reasons! Stella told me a sequence of two things she wanted to do. Then, I asked her a question containing two options, and she answered with a short phrase confirming her original message! Stella even expanded her own phrase from “Come eat ” to “Want come eat.” The speech therapist side of me is completely amazed, and the dog mom side of me is incredibly proud. Yay, Stella!! • • • • • #hunger4words #stellathetalkingdog #proud #slpsofinstagram #speechtherapy #AAC #ashaigers #slp #corewords #SLPeeps #slp2be #aacawarenessmonth #earlyintervention #languagedevelopment #dogsofinstagram #dogmom #doglife #dogs #animalpsychology #doglover #dogvideos #sandiegodog #catahoula #blueheeler #smartdog #dogcommunication #mydogtalks #animalcommunication #interspeciescommunication #loveanimals

Una publicación compartida por Christina Hunger, MA, CCC-SLP (@hunger4words) el

Fuente: Excélsior/ El Siglo de Torreón